Vanilla Fig Shake

Best Vegan Sugar Free MilkShake EVER. #easyrecipe

How is it that the simplest recipes always bring together the most delicate flavors?! This recipe is the perfect example of how “keeping it simple” can become a complex and utterly satisfying comfort food in a matter of minutes. YUM! I have drank THREE of these shakes in the past 24 hours, and once you taste one, you will see why I can’t resist this ultra creamy guilt free vanilla shake!!

Plump Calimyrna Figs

I was at Costco last weekend and couldn’t resist a bag of these super plump, organic, additive free, sun dried calimyrna figs! They are so good, and extra plump and soft. They seriously turn this drink into an ultra thick and creamy shake. You can also find them on here.

And here is how you Milk Your Walnuts, Betty Rawker Style. Another great video by my friend Matt at Here and Gone Media Production in McMinnville, Oregon.


Creamy Vanilla Fig Walnut Shake

  • 1 cup fresh walnut milk
  • 4 calimyrna figs (you can also use fresh figs in season)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup ice
  1. Make a fresh batch of walnut milk – directions here.
  2. Nip off the hard little stem ends of the figs.
  3. Blend together walnut milk, figs, cinnamon, and vanilla until creamy. Then toss in ice cubes and blend into a thick milkshake.

Best Vegan Sugar Free MilkShake EVER. #easyrecipe


Also featured on Gluten Free Wednesdays


  1. joannabanana21

    would fresh figs give the same creaminess? i try not to eat dry fruits because they have so much sugar.

    • Hi Joanna!

      Sure thing! I always use fresh figs when they are in season here during the summer. They will totally create a great creamy shake. I will update the recipe to include that option!


      • joannabanana21

        thanks! i rarely have figs because i don’t see them much in the grocery store. i will have to look because this shake sounds so delicious! bananas and avocados are usually my go-to for smoothies!

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