Raw Walnut Fudge

Happy Holiday Baking & Un-Baking Everyone!!

RAW - VEGAN - PALEO - FUDGE - Recipe @ www.bettyrawker.com

This Recipe can be make with whole raw walnut pieces, or with left over walnut “pulp” from making 1 quart of fresh walnut milk. I love this raw super fudge both ways, but if I had to choose my favorite, I would say the light texture in the version made with the left over walnut pulp is my favorite! You will find the version made with the whole raw walnuts to be denser and a bit chewier, but still fabulous! I promise!


Choose either or:

The following ingredients stay the same:

  • GARNISH: 3/4 cup rough chopped raw walnuts
  1. If you use left over walnut pulp, you can follow the full directions here for making a fresh quart of walnut milk. (Basically soak the walnuts for 2 hours, rinse well, blend with 4 cups water, strain through a nut milk bag, and save left over walnut “pulp” fiber for making this fudge!)
  2. Blend walnut pulp OR 1 cup raw walnut halves, cacao powder, softened coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla, sea salt and walnut oil together in a food processor (basically everything except 3/4 cup walnuts used for the garnish).
  3. Line a small square dish. I used a tupperwear container that was 4”x5” LINED with a parchment paper or saran wrap.
  4. Pour & scoop fudge batter into square dish.
  5. Top with chopped walnuts, pushing some in as you go, and add a finishing layer.
  6. Freeze for an hour or more.
  7. Chop into squares, ENJOY! Tastes amazing when chilled or right out of the freezer! (best stored in the freezer)

*NOTE: Depending on how long you soak your walnuts before making a batch of milk, will determine how much left over “pulp” you have left. If you don’t soak them first, you will have more pulp leftover than if you  soak them for a few hours. As soaking them helps to break down the nut, as well as remove any bitterness from the tannins. It’s totally up to you!!

**NOTE: You can use raw virgin coconut oil, OR if you are sharing this raw super fudge with someone who does not care for coconut flavors,  you can use expeller pressed coconut oil which is virtually tasteless. Just make sure to use a brand like this one that does not use solvents in the extraction process.

Pictured below is the version I made using the left over walnut pulp in the base recipe. Pictured above is the version I made using 1 cup walnuts in the base recipe. Both are divine!! But my favorite texture is the one below made with the walnut pulp.

RAW - VEGAN - PALEO - FUDGE - Recipe @ www.bettyrawker.com

Divine Raw Super Fudge made with leftover walnut “pulp” from making fresh walnut milk!

Also Featured on Raw Food Thursdays!



  1. Pingback: Fresh Walnut Milk | Betty Rawker

  2. Wow! These look amazing!

  3. Betty, you always amaze me with your creations! Funny, we both submitted a raw fudge recipe last week! I’ll be sharing your version tomorrow at Raw Foods Thursdays. Thanks so much for your participation!


    • Too cool. Great minds totally think alike! And I love when are raw vegan versions are better than all that sugary transfatty “fake” fudge out there!

      Just checked out your caramel nut fudge, oh it looks awesome, will have to try it next!!

  4. Pingback: Raw Foods Thursdays: 12/12/13 | Gluten-Free Cat

  5. Amy

    This looks so amazing! Question, since I do not have any walnuts at the moment and I do have some almond meal do you think subbing 1 cup of almond meal for walnuts would ? I know they have a bit different textures but I am thinking of trying this….

    • Hi Amy!

      I have actually made raw brownies with a cup of ground almonds in a similar recipe, so I am sure it would be tasty, just might not be quite as fudge like texture wise, as walnuts get so buttery!

      I just would not suggest subbing almond “pulp” which is the leftover fiber from making almond milk in this recipe, as almond pulp is different than walnut pulp. But if you are talking almond meal, you should be good to go. (for almond pulp i have a raw cinnamon “snail” roll recipe on my website. https://bettyrawker.com/2012/12/30/cinnamon-snails/)

      You can also sub in 1/3 cup almond butter instead of the walnuts too for a rich fudge.

      Let me know what you end up trying!

  6. You rock. That is all. 🙂

  7. Great recipe! Can I omit cacao or substitute it with carob?

    • Since I don’t work with carob too often, can’t say for sure. But of course you are welcome to try anything you wish! Hope it turns out amazing!!

  8. Pingback: YEAH! | fightinghs

  9. Amanda

    Can this be made without any nuts/nut milk? We have a nut allergy but I am looking for a “healthier” fudge.

  10. Reblogged this on Rebecca Baybayan and commented:
    It was never the holiday’s unless there was fudge.
    Peanut butter fudge.
    Chocolate Fudge.
    Rocky Road Fudge.From Aunt Viola’s fudge to Grandma Kay’s fudge.
    As with time comes new traditions.
    A mother and her two daughters experiment with new holiday cookies (and fudge).
    Memories are made, taste buds sing.
    Happy days.

  11. Pingback: Healthy Holiday Goodies - Green-Mom.com

  12. Pingback: Raw Walnut Fudge | Rebecca Baybayan

  13. Debbie

    Betty, these are simple and delicious! Thanks for taking care of my sweet tooth!!!

  14. Pingback: Raw Walnut Fudge [RECIPE] | The Wellness Bee

  15. Pingback: How to Make Homemade Nut Milk: Recipe » School Bites

  16. Caramel nut fudge you say? Off to hunt…

  17. Hi there,
    I’d love to personally invite you to contribute your favourite savoury Paleo recipe to the Paleo Potluck App.
    The Paleo Potluck is a fresh and easy to use recipe App featuring Paleo recipes submitted by well known bloggers, recipe creators, wellness ambassadors, chefs and paleo foodies. Recipes are constantly being added each week.
    We first launched the app focusing on delicious paleo approved dessert recipes, which has been an absolute hit with those looking for a collection of yummy sweet paleo recipes, and now we’re on the search for the best savoury meals falling under the following categories:
    Main dishes
    Party Appetisers
    Vegtables & Salads
    It’s completely fine if you don’t follow or promote 100% strict paleo guidelines on your blog as long as the recipe(s) you submit don’t contain grain, refined sugars, legumes or dairy
    Each recipe contains a prominent link to the owners website as well as an instagram link and follow button, so you’re exposing your recipe and links to an uncapped worldwide audience as well as joining a fantastic group of like minded collaborators such as George Bryant from civilizedcavemancooking.com, Alison Morgan from relauncher.com.au, and Adriana Harlan from http://www.livinghealthywithchocolate.com plus many more.
    If you’re interested, please submit recipes on this form as soon as possible: http://www.thepaleopotluck.com The app will be offline for the next few days while we fill it with savoury content but you can view more on our instagram account @thepaleopotluck http://instagram.com/thepaleopotluckapp

    I hope to see your recipes pop through or hear from you soon.

    Jessie Cawte

  18. Kelly

    I’m confused about Step 2. How much do I add into the recipe and how much do I save to garnish with for the walnuts? Thanks!

  19. Emi

    Since I’m making the walnut milk tonight can I save the pulp in a ziplock bag stored in the freezer until tomorrow? Or does the pulp need to be used immediately? Thanks!

  20. Hi Emi!

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! Storing the pulp in the fridge overnight will still work great!

    I hope you enjoyed this recipe!!


  21. Kar

    Loved this recipe … made it for gift giving … everyone loved it😍
    I used coconut butter instead of coconut oil … Still melted it down delic … Thank you!!!

  22. Looks mouthwatering! Thanks so much for the recipe, I featured it on my blog 🙂 http://www.colorfulcanary.com/2015/04/colorful-raw-easter-recipes-no-bake.html

  23. Pingback: Fresh Walnut Milk - Forest and Fauna

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